Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sept. 29th/09

Today we began a new unit called "Sequences and Series". There are two parts of sequences and series called Geometric/Arithmetic sequences and Fractal Analysis. This will be a short unit and we will probably only have a quiz for it.

Sept. 28th/09

Today we had a sub and finished the rest of the test. It took me the whole block to finish and I am pretty confident that I got a decent mark.

Sept. 25th/09

Today we had an assembly and Gary Doer annouced that Swan River will be hosting the 2012 power sport games. We then had the choice to write the first half of our test and then write the rest on Monday. I found the test to be easier then I thought it would be. So i guess thats a good thing!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Test Review Sept. 24th/09

Today we went over what would be on the test tomorrow. He divided the things we learned into chunks..the first chunk is Matrix intro, and Matrix Operations - Addition, Subtraction, Scalar and Matrix Multiplication. I will have to review a few questions on matrix multiplication. There is going to be a big chunk of that one the test, so i better get practicing! The next chunk is Transition Matricies. I will have to just remember some of the rules of Transition Matricies and the terms "1 sums" and "loopies". The next was Networks - directed and non-directed. Directed is only a one way street and Non-directed is a two way street. I will have to know the terms "Exactly" and "At Most". Hopefully this test will be alright!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today we corrected one of the questions that were due for homework today, after that we learned Direct Networks. We went through an example question on exercise 8. I sorta understand this, but I will need more practice on it so I plan to look at questions from the previous exams and exercise questions on it. For the test on friday, I will have to review Matrix Multiplication, Transition Matricies, and Direct Networks.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sept. 22/09

Today we spent most of the class learning Networks (direct and indirect). He showed us how to do all of it by hand, and I was starting to freak out because I wouldn't know how to remember to do all that. Luckily, in the end, he showed us that you could just use a calculator and not have to go all through that. I was a bit relieved. He assigned some questions to practice on and I will be working on them in tutoring today.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept. 21/09

Today we corrected two questions from Excerise 6. There is now a link to the provincial standards exams and I think that will help me a lot. I will have to practice some questions from it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sept. 17th/09

This class we did some more practicing on Matrix Multiplication. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should."

We did a practice question from Exercise 5, question 3.
It definitely got you thinking and with a little bit more practice I hope I will be able to understand it.

We then had to do question 2 from Exercise 5 and describe how we did it...so here it goes!

The first question asked the weekly production of kitchen and bedroom suites.
It gave you the first matrix
[30 10] [3]
[40 15] [8]

There were three factories for type A and eight factories for type B. So we had to use
matrix multiplication to find out the weekly production. The answer is 170 kitchens and 240 bedrooms.

It next asked you to find the total market value of the goods purchased.

We took the weekly production and multiplied it by what the kitchen and bedrooms sell for.

[170 240] [1500] = The total value which is $783,000

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept. 16th/09

Today we corrected our Exercise questions and I actually got them all right. There are still some things that I don't understand fully, but I think by next week for the test on Friday that I will be able to understand anything.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sept. 16th/09

In class today we had a sub and were expected to finish our Exercise questions and do our regular blog post.

Sept. 14th/09

Today we learned about Scalar Multiplication and Matrix Multiplication. The first two Matrices we learned were easier to understand for me, but these two take some thinking, which is not always a bad thing.

We learned about the two-finger method, and I found this method to be quite easy to understand and it helped me with understanding how to do questions that envolve matrix multiplication.

Two-Finger Method:

This method is done by giving a 'thumbs up' with your left hand, than extending your index finger, while your right hand shapes the letter L.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Goal Setting Assignment

Some of the goals I have for myself are as follows: I want to try my best to graduate with Honors, my English and Math provincial exams are in the same semester and I want to try and get above 75 on both of them. I am also going on the Geography Trip and I want to do all the fundraising I can and put all the effort I am able to put in to it. As for job wise, I am not sure what I really want to do yet, but I hope within the year that I realize what I am really interested in. Those are some of the goals for my grade 12 year.