Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14th/09

The math exam is coming up fast, and I thought I should blog once more before the exam. Today we did a review on what we learned in the beginning of the school year and what we should expect to see on the exam. I really need to freshen up on Sequences and Series, and Design and Measurement.

Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8th/10

So this is the first blog since the year changed to 2010! This month has been very busy for me, english exam, and plus trying to keep up with all my other classes. The math exam is on the 18th and the 19th so lets hope I will do alright! I am going to start studying tonight and maybe make a attempt to work at my formula sheet. We are learning a new unit called Periodic Functions and I know it is going to be a very rushed unit so I don't know if I will do so well on it..